// pwdchk 1.2 // Checks password strength in two ways: // 1 - Analyzing the structure of the password // 2 - Comparing to wordlist // By Feky // #include #include using namespace std; ifstream file(); int main() { char pwd[99],wordlist[99]; int i=0,tmp=0; bool l,u,d,p,s; string buff; cout<<"* pwdchk 1.1 *\nEnter password: "; cin.getline(pwd,sizeof(pwd)); while(pwd[i]!='\0'){ if(islower(pwd[i])) l=1; if(isupper(pwd[i])) u=1; if(isdigit(pwd[i])) d=1; if(ispunct(pwd[i])) p=1; if(isspace(pwd[i])) s=1; i++; } if(l==1)tmp++; if(u==1)tmp++; if(d==1)tmp++; if(p==1)tmp+=2; if(s==1)tmp+=2; if(strlen(pwd)>14) tmp+=2; else if(strlen(pwd)>6) tmp++; cout<<"-------------------\nPassword structure strength: "<